EEF NEWS is an email newsletter posted on the EEF mailinglist. It appears every week, on Thursday. Below you'll find the website version, which is also renewed after every following weekend (usually on Sunday evening).
For subscription to the EEF, the moderated scholarly mailinglist for mainstream Egyptology, see or the link at the end of this page. The EEF list also has a Weekly Digest option (meaning you'll get the EEF NEWS email on Thursday and one digest email of gathered regular mails on Sunday).

Major news items which are of obvious interest for the list as a whole (like first-hand announcements of discoveries ad excavation reports) are best posted directly on EEF; smaller news bits (like announcements of lectures, website updates/reviews, email address changes etc.) are good candidates for being bundled in EEF NEWS.

Copyright 2024, A.K. Eyma

EEF NEWS (1362)
October 3, 2024 (II Peret 20)
Contents: (I) New: Lectures and symposiums (II) New: Exhibitions (III) Personals: personal and offtopic calls (IV) Read on the Web: online press reports in electronic newspapers etc. (V) Books and Journals Corner: book announcements, book reviews, journal issues appearing, digitised literature, etc. (VIA) Jobs and Grants: announcements of job openings and fellowships. (VIB) Courses and Trips: classroom & online courses, field schools, and non-commercial tours. (VII) (Multi)media: AE on TV, in Film, in Music, on CD-Rom or DVD (VIII) Websites: announcing, listing or updates of whole (mainstream) websites (IX) Lectures and symposiums on Ancient Egypt Virtual Lectures and Conferences (mostly via Zoom) (all countries) Non-virtual events (per country): USA, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Vatican City, Egypt, Italy, France, Sweden, Belgium, Spain, Australia, Denmark, Switzerland, Greece, Austria, Poland, Hungary, China, Czech Republic, Argentina, Japan, Portugal (X) Exhibitions on Ancient Egypt USA, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Egypt, Italy, France, Vatican City, Belgium, Spain, Australia, Monaco, Switzerland, Sweden, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Japan, Portugal, Brazil, Russia, Israel, South Korea, China, India, New Zealand, Greece, Mexico Notes: * Sections IX to XII contain the bulk of still current info from earlier issues (these sections are absent from the email version of the newsletter), while sections I to VIII contain new or adjusted information. * Of items marked with #, you can request from me the often longer announcement on which my summary was based. * Items marked with & are topics from earlier issues that linger on a bit (for irregular visitors of this site) or that were already on the EEF forum itself. * It is always wise to contact the organizers of lectures e.d. for confirmation, in case of (last minute) changes. Also note that registration for conferences/symposiums often is months in advance. Students will need an I.D. to get any discounts offered. * The double date in the header above is based on an accurate extrapolation from antiquity of the Ancient Egyptian (AE) Civil Calendar (365 days, wandering through the seasons, not determined by Sothis). * Time zones for watching virtal lectures (abbreviations and conversions): URL * Please send any contributions and additions to: A.K. Eyma * Thanks for this week's events information go to: Uta Siffert [(I) - VL (g)]; Alessandro Piccolo [(I) - VL (r)]; JJ Shirley [(I) - USA (c)]; Charlotte Lejeune [(I) - France (b)]; Ingrid van Sprakelaar [(II) - USA (b), UK (j), Egypt (d), Italy (g), France (p)(x), Slovakia (a)] ================================================================== +++ (I) NEW: LECTURES AND SYMPOSIUMS --VIRTUAL LECTURES-- g) Abteilung für Ägyptologie, Universität Bonn * Online lecture (Zoom): "Vom Knochen kauenden Krokodil und vom Gebein aller Bäume. Ägyptische Texte zu Knochen von Tieren und Pflanzen," by Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Hoffmann (München) date: Wednesday, 9 October 2024; 17:30 CEST place: a hybrid event -- online (Zoom) or in-person at Raum 4.007, Brühler Str. 7, 53119 Bonn costs: free info: abstract at URL info: Zoom-registration at URL r) Dipartimento SARAS, Sapienza Università di Roma * Online lecture: "Ancient economies (2): Microeconomics", with Antonella Palumbo (Associate Professor of Economics at Università degli Studi Roma Tre) and Lorenzo Verderame (Associate Professor of Assyriology at Sapienza Università di Roma) date: October 15th, 2024; 4 pm - 8 pm CEST place: a hybris event -- online (Zoom) or in-person at Room C, first floor, left wing, of Ex Vetrerie Sciarra (Via dei Volsci, 122, 00185, Roma) info: Zoom-registration at URL --USA-- c) ARCE - Pennsylvania Chapter * "The Treaty of Ramesses II with Hattusili III: Peace-making in the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean," by Dr. Camilla Di-Biase-Dyson (Macquarie University) date: Saturday, October 12, 2024; 3:30 pm place: Classroom 2, Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South St, Philadelphia, PA 19104 costs: free to ARCE Members, $7 for University of Pennsylvania Museum Members and UPenn Staff and Faculty, $5 for Students with ID, and $10 for the general public. info: abstract at URL URL --FRANCE-- b) Cercle lyonnais d'égyptologie * Seminar: "Penser et représenter le monde. Les images relatives à la conception du monde dans l’Égypte ancienne" by Marie-Astrid Calmettes (Institut d’égyptologie Khéops (Paris) / Université Libre de Bruxelles (CIERL)) date: October 12th, 2024; 10:00 – 17:00 place: Coup de Pouce Université, 1 Rue de Bonald, 69007 Lyon costs: members EUR 41 (student members EUR 30), non-members EUR 60 info: abstract and booking at URL --- For previously listed lectures and conferences, see section IX below. +++ (II) NEW: EXHIBITIONS --USA-– b) Louisiana Art & Science Museum 100 South River Road, Baton Rouge LA 70802 URL * "Treasures of the Nile - Exploring King Tut and the Amin Egyptian Collection" date: October 4, 2024 - October 31, 2025 Exhibition celebrating the 60th anniversary of the acquisition of the Egyptian mummy at LASM; in partnership with art collector Giovanni Amin, the exhibition features certified reproductions of artifacts from the tomb of King Tut and authentic Egyptian funeral masks. info: URL --UK-- j) Young V&A (Victoria and Albert Museum) Cambridge Heath Road, Bethnal Green, London, E2 9PA URL * "Making Egypt" date: 15 February 2025 - 2 November 2025 Exhibition (for young people) that explores how stories and images of ancient Egypt continue to influence art, design and popular culture today. It will feature ancient artefacts, many on display for the first time, contemporary fashion, jewellery, comics, film, games, sculpture, ceramics and more from across V&A’s collection and beyond. info: URL info: press release at URL --EGYPT-– d) Giza Plateau, Cairo * "Forever is Now - 4" date: October 24, 2024 - November 16, 2024 Exhibition of contemporary art showcasing 12 global artists in a blend of ancient heritage and modern art. info: URL info: English press reports at URL URL URL --ITALY-- [update] g) Civico Museo Archeologico di Milano corso Magenta 15, Milano 20123 * "Immagini Eterne. L’arte nell’antico Egitto" Eternal images: Art of ancient Egypt] [new] date: 1 March 2024 - 31 May 2025 [extension; was: till 31 December 2024] info: URL --FRANCE-- [update] p) Galeries Montparnasse 22 rue du départ, 75015 Paris * "Toutânkhamon - L’Experience immersive pharaonique" date: 3 February 2024 - *5 January 2025 [was: till *3 November 2024] info: URL info: URL Preliminary end date based on ticket sale info. [update] x) Centre commercial Confluence 112 cours Charlemagne, 69002 Lyon * "L'Horizon de Khéops" [The Horizon of Khufu] [new] date: 3 November 2022 - *5 February 2025 [was: *5 January 2025] [new] info: URL Preliminary end date based on ticket sale info thusfar. --SLOVAKIA-- [update] a) Trencín Castle (Trenciansky hrad) Mierové námestie 46, 912 50 Trencín * "Kouzlo objevování: od hieroglyfu k Tutanchamonovi" [The Magic of Discovery: From Hieroglyphs to Tutankhamun] date: 1 July 2024 – 31 January 2025 [extension; was: till 15 November 2024] info: URL --- For previously listed exhibitions, see section X below. ++ (III) PERSONALS AND SUNDRIES * TBA +++ (IV) READ ON THE WEB --NEWSPAPER REPORTS ONLINE-- * Press report: "In Photos: Burial chamber of 12th dynasty high-society woman in Assiut, Upper Egypt discovered" URL "A joint Egyptian-German archaeological mission from Sohag and Berlin Universities has discovered the burial chamber of a woman named Edi [jdy], daughter of Jifai-Hapi [DfAj-Hapj] who was governor of Assiut in Upper Egypt during the reign of King Senusret I (..). “Preliminary studies suggest that Edi died before reaching the age of 40 and suffered from a congenital foot defect,” said Mohamed Ismail, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA). He explains that the tomb contained two intricately painted wooden coffins, one tucked inside the other and both fully inscribed with texts depicting the journey to the afterlife. The coffins also contained canopic jars and wooden statues. (..)" With photos. -- Other English press reports: URL With photos. URL -- French press report: URL * Press report: "Scientists recreate face of 3,500-year-old Egyptian pharaoh who founded the Valley of the Kings" URL "Graphics experts have recreated the face of pharaoh (..) Amenhotep I (..). Cicero Morares, a Brazilian 3D designer who specializes in forensic facial reconstruction, created these images by blending faces made through a variety of methods. (..) This method was made possible thanks to CT scans of Amenhotep's skull that were taken in 2021. That work was conducted by paleo radiologist Sahar N. Saleem of the University of Cairo and Egyptologist Zahi Hawass, who do not endorse the digital recreations and described them as 'scientifically flawed'. (..)" * Press release of the University of Liverpool: "Project to reunite Garstang’s scattered archaeological finds awarded £585K" URL "The University of Liverpool’s Garstang Museum of Archaeology, in partnership with National Museums Liverpool (NML), has been awarded £585K funding to locate and make accessible the vast archaeological collections excavated by renowned archaeologist John Garstang. (..) The two-year project aims to identify, make visible and accessible, Garstang’s Distributed Collections in an online portal. (..)" * Press report: "A Judeo-Egyptian Complains to King Ptolemy About His Neighbor" URL "First record of ethnic identifier 'Judeo-Egyptian' revealed on petition to King Ptolemy. Could this papyrus fragment be the earliest extant petition in Greek to any ancient Egyptian king from a Jew? (..)" [Next two items submitted by Michael Tilgner] * Press report: "El ataúd de una antigua sacerdotisa de Amón recupera su perdido esplendor" URL "El Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Madrid acaba de anunciar el final del proceso de restauración de un ataúd egipcio de unos tres mil años de antigüedad. Esta hermosa pieza perteneció a una sacerdotisa y cantora del dios Amón, que vivió durante la dinastía XXI, y forma parte de los fondos del museo desde 1895. (..)" * Press report: "El faraón Amenhotep III y su lucha por mantener a Egipto en la cima" URL "Amenhotep III hereda un imperio en expansión en unos momentos en los que conviven en el Mediterráneo oriental varias potencias. Él se encargará de hacer equilibrios y ampliar su poder. (..)" * Some items relating to Egyptomania [submitted by Michael Tilgner (1)(2)]: -- Press report: "Comment la jeune nation américaine s’est construit une légitimité grâce à l’Égypte antique" URL "L’Égypte a fasciné les pères de l’Amérique. Ils ont repris sa mythologie pour bâtir leur nouvelle nation et lui donner une profondeur historique. (..)" -- Press report: "'Quella mummia è il mio bisnonno'" URL "Ogni famiglia ha dei misteri, ma per poche il mistero riguarda un antenato diventato una mummia. (...) 'È stato tra i membri fondatori del Museo archeologico di Alessandria' (il museo greco-romano, che esiste ancora oggi), racconta Mazzucchelli. Morto nel 1910, nelle sue volontà Johannes Schiess indica di voler essere imbalsamato 'come una mummia … doveva essere un tipo un po’ particolare', aggiunge il bisnipote. (..)" --Follow-ups-- [Next two items submitted by Michael Tilgner] * Press report: "Cet hôpital du Pas-de-Calais a accueilli une momie du Louvre pour lui faire passer un scanner" URL "L’hôpital de Lens (Pas-de-Calais) a reçu une patiente un peu particulière lundi 23 septembre : une momie vieille de 2 900 ans de la collection du musée du Louvre à Paris. Elle a passé un scanner qui a permis d’apporter de nombreuses informations aux spécialistes qui l’étudient. (..)" -- Another French press report: URL Cf. EEF NEWS (1361). * Press report: "Egitto, come hanno costruito davvero le piramidi? Alla luce un metodo inaspettato" URL "Gli studiosi hanno rivelato come hanno costruito – al tempo – e piramidi in Egitto: si tratta di un metodo decisamente inaspettato. (..) In sostanza, gli studiosi affermano che la posizione particolarmente vantaggiosa di questo paleoalveo sarebbe stata utilissima al fine di trasportare tutte le materie prime, fondamentale per la costruzione delle piramidi egizie. (..)" Cf. EEF News (1343). --MISCELLANEOUS-- * New entry at the blog of the Ankh-Hor Project in Asasif: -- "Everything ready for the 2024 season" (Sept 27) URL +++ (V) BOOK CORNER --NEW (PAPER) BOOK RELEASES-- * André Veldmeijer, Salima Ikram, 'Let a Cow-skin Be Brought': Armour, Chariots and Other Leather Remains from Tutankhamun’s Tomb. Sidestonepress, 2024. 186 pp., 25 ills (bw), 100 ills. (fc). Pb, ISBN 9789464260984, EUR 45; Hb, ISBN 9789464260991, EUR 95; eBook EUR 15. TOC at URL "(..) This work examines the tomb of Tutankhamum and its contents through an unusual lens: leather and other animal soft tissue products that were used in creating some of the tomb’s contents. Through a study of these artefacts, the reader is guided through the surprising and complex world of leatherworking in ancient Egypt, focussing on the numerous different objects from the tomb that are either made entirely from or include leather, such as the chariots and their accoutrements, weapons, gloves, as well as hitherto unpublished finds, as among which leatherworking tools. (..)" NB: The book may also be read online in Open Access! [Submitted by Benedict Davies] * Glenn Godenho, Nicky Nielsen, Ashley Cooke (eds.), Landscape. Studies in Honour of Steven Snape. Abercromby Press, 2024. Hb, xx+331 pp. ISBN 9781912246229. £64.95. TOC at URL "'Landscapes' is very much inspired by the Egyptological career of Professor Steven Snape. From the dust and sand of the Sinai Peninsula and the Marmarican coast, to the black earth of the Delta, and the sherd scatters of Umm el-Qa’ab, Steven’s career has been informed by landscapes. (..) Steven’s diverse range of research interests, excavations and contributions to the field speak to his influence in the wider Egyptological landscape, as reflected in the collection of papers herein. (..)" * Kara Cooney, Recycling for Death: Coffin Reuse in Ancient Egypt and the Theban Royal Caches. AUC Press, 2024. Hb, 476 pp., 900 col. and b&w ills. ISBN 9781649031280. $125.00. TOC at URL "(..) This culmination of fifteen years of coffin study analyzes coffins and other funerary equipment of elites from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-second Dynasties to provide essential windows into social strategies and adaptations employed during the Bronze Age collapse and subsequent Iron Age reconsolidation. Many Twentieth to Twenty-second Dynasty coffins show evidence of reuse from other, older coffins, as well as obvious marks where gilding or inlay have been removed. (..) The first part of this book focuses on the theory and evidence of coffin reuse, contextualized within the social collapse that characterized the Twentieth and Twenty-first Dynasties. The second part presents photo essays of annotated visual data for over sixty Egyptian coffins from the so-called Royal Caches, most of them from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. (..)" * Judit Garzón Rodríguez, Der Penis im alten Ägypten. Eine konzeptorientierte Untersuchung von Quellen bis zur Amarnazeit. (Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, Beihefte 24). Buske Verlag, 2024. Hb, viii+358 pp., 27 plts. ISBN 978-3-96769-415-4. EUR 248,00. TOC and Sample Pages ("Im Buch blättern") at URL "(..) Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende kultur- geschichtliche Untersuchung der unterschiedlichen Verwendungs- und Darstellungskontexte des Penis im alten Ägypten, mit dem Ziel, die zugrunde liegenden universellen sowie spezifischen Konzepte aus einer möglichst emischen Perspektive detailliert zu erfassen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Analyse der Primärquellen von der prädynastischen Zeit bis zum Ende der Amarnazeit, wobei auch spätere Quellen einbezogen werden. Das Buch dient sowohl als Nachschlagewerk für die symbolische und kulturelle Bedeutung des Penis im alten Ägypten als auch als bedeutender Beitrag zu einem weiterhin tabuisierten Thema." --DIGITIZED BOOKS & ONLINE THESES-- [Submitted by Michael Tilgner] * New addition to "Ägyptologische Literatur - digital" of the University of Heidelberg: - Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire -- CG 22001-22208: Ahmed Bey Kamal, Stèles ptolémaiques et romaines, Tome I [Texte], Le Caire, 1905. - 284 pp. - pdf-file (normal: 49 MB; large: 202 MB) URL --NEW ISSUES OF (PAPER) JOURNALS & MAGAZINES-- * TBA --DIGITIZED JOURNAL ARTICLES & ONLINE PAPERS-- * New addition to the UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology: -- "Copper-based Metallurgy (up to 332 BCE)", by Rademakers, Frederik; Odler, Martin; Auenmüller, Johannes URL * The latest issue of the Ancient Egyptian Heritage and Archaeology Fund Newsletter, vol. 10 (2024), is online (as PDF) at URL * New addition to the Propylaeum-DOK repository: -- Polz, Daniel ; Eichner, Ina (2006) The necropolis of Dra’ Abu el-Naga at Thebes. A preliminary report of the 14th season (2004–2005). In: Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte, 80 (2006), pp. 299-310 URL --MISCELLANEOUS-- * The Egypt Exploration Society (EES) is organising a Book Auction for its Fundraiser 2024, on 30 October 2024 (in-person or online via Zoom; in advance bidding via email): URL The first list of book titles just went online. (You can also bid on Egyptological experiences.) +++ (VIA) JOBS AND GRANTS ---JOB OPENINGS--- [# = You may request from the editor the often longer announcement of an individual job opening on which the below summaries were based.] [New announcements are placed on top of the list, without (&).] * (&) The Cairo Department of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) is seeking to fill the full time position of a Senior research fellow at the earliest possible date for 4 years. A PhD in an archaeological-historical subject with a connection to the prehistoric, pharaonic or classical archaeology and history of Egypt is required. Application deadline is 17th October 2024. URL * (&) The Austrian Archaeological Institute (OeAI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) is seeking to fill the Sur Place position (Cairo) of a Research Assistant from 01 January 2025 to 31 December 2026. Graduate degree (at least MA) in Egyptology with a specialization in Egyptian archaeology) is required. Application deadline is 10 October 2024. URL * (&) The American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR) seeks candidates for a full-time Communications Manager to oversee outreach efforts in the areas of social media and communications with ASOR members and the public. This person will also manage the Friends of ASOR (FOA) outreach program. This in-person position is located at The James F. Strange Center—headquarters of ASOR, 209 Commerce St., in historic Old Town Alexandria, VA. Review of applications will begin August 15, 2024, and continue until the position is filled. URL * (&) The Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies (CAMS) at The Pennsylvania State University invites applications for a Visiting Assistant or Associate Professor in the field of Egyptology beginning January 2025 or August 2025. This is a non-tenure-track, one-year term appointment, with the possibility of reappointment for a second year. An expertise in Ancient Egyptian language is required. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. URL * (&) The Publications Committee of the American Society of Overseas Research announces a call for nominations (self-nominations welcome) for the position of Editor of Near Eastern Archaeology for a term to begin January 1, 2025. ASOR Journal Editors serve a three-year term (eligible to be renewed once). Review of applications will begin on September 15, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled. URL ---GRANTS & SCHOLARSHIPS--- [# = You may request from the editor the often longer announcement on which the below summaries were based.] * (&) Every year, the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (German Oriental Society) offers up to three travel grants for young academics in one of the fields of Oriental Studies oriented towards cultural studies. Applicants must have a Master's degree or a comparable degree. (..) Applications must be submitted by March 1 of each year (..). Further information: URL * (&) ARCE's Antiquities Endowment Fund (AEF) awards grants for discrete and highly focused professional projects that serve the preservation, conservation, and documentation needs of Egyptian antiquities that are more than 100 years old. More can be found about it here: email The AEF grant has now opened and individuals are more than welcome to submit their proposals/projects. * (&) The Thomas Heagy Foundation is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for grants in the arts, music, and higher education. The procedures are the same as for Egyptology grants. For further information contact the Foundation at email * (&) Overview of NINO Funding Opportunities aimed at students/ researchers of the Ancient Near East incl. Egypt (Mobility Grants, Conference and Fieldwork Subsidies, etc). URL --AWARDS, PRIZES & CONTESTS-- * (&) ASTENE Postgraduate Research Competition The Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE) invites proposals for the inaugural Postgraduate Research Competition. This competition is intended to reward the most promising and engaging research in the interdisciplinary and cross-period fields of Near Eastern studies and travel history. For full details, see the Call for Papers at URL * (&) The Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) annually awards two prizes to the best BA and (res)MA thesis on the ancient Near East (incl. Egypt) at a Dutch university in the current academic year. A call for submissions is open from 1 June to 1 October each year. URL --VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES-- * (&) ARCE is Looking for Website Content Writers Graduate-level students, academics, and experts are invited to explore Egypt’s cultural heritage by writing articles to be published on the American Research in Egypt's website Writers will be required to carry out thorough research on the topic they will write about, receive and follow guidelines for the requirements of ARCE’s website content. For examples, please visit our Resources page URL. The estimated word count is 500-900 words maximum, and the article will need to be accompanied by a bibliography. In lieu of financial remuneration, writers will receive a certificate of completion and will be credited when the article is published on ARCE’s website, newsletter and social media pages. Info: email * (&) Save Ancient Studies Alliance (SASA) is looking for Spanish- and/or Arabic-speaking individuals who want to make a difference in Ancient Studies. (..) Since SASA’s 2024 Virtual Conference in Summer 2024 will be tri-lingual in modern English, Spanish, and Arabic, our goal for the coming year is to translate portions of our website and organize the conference. (..) Info on the volunteer opportunities (Assistant Coordinators for the Virtual Conference Team; Outreach Team volunteers and interns; Translators to work on translating our website): URL +++ (VIB) NEW: COURSES AND TRIPS --COURSES-- * (&) EES Online Course: "Women’s Work in the History of Egyptology", with Dr Kathleen Sheppard dates: 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 October 2024; 18:00 BST place: online costs: EES Member: £60, Non-Member: £120, EES Student: £30 info: abstract and booking at URL * (&) EES Online Weekend Course: "Understanding New Kingdom Theban Tombs", with Dr Claudia Näser dates: Saturdays, 5 and 12 October 2024, 2 pm - 5 pm place: online costs: EES Member: £60, Non-Member: £120, EES Student: £30 info: abstract and booking at URL * (&) Bloomsbury Summer School Course: Week-long course: "Life and Death on the Nile through the Lens of the Memphite Necropolis" Course Director: Dr Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin (University of Exeter / Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology) Dates: Monday 28 October to Sunday 3 November 2024 Place: On-site at Saqqara and at our classroom in the Hyatt Regency Cairo West Costs: £3,875 (Single Supplement: £560) Price does not include airfare Itinerary and booking details at: URL --FIELD SCHOOLS-- * TBA --TRIPS&TOURS-- * TBA +++ (VII) (MULTI)MEDIA --TV&RADIO-- * Dutch TV: -- National Geographic, October 6, 2024, 21:00- 22:00; October 8, 2024, 8:00-8:55 "Lost Treasures of Egypt: Season 5 - Secrets of the Megatombs" --DVDs & CDROMS-- * TBA --SOFTWARE & APPS-- * TBA --ONLINE AUDIO&VIDEO-- [Submitted by Sven Günther] * Video of a documentary: "40 years of the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC)" [15 mins.] [with English subtitles] URL * Video of a lecture organised by IFAO: -- "Hiératique et démotique : la cohabitation", by Prof. Didier Devauchelle (2 October 2024) [1 h 16 mins.] URL * Video of a lecture at the Museo Egizio, Torino: -- "Gli antichi Egizi credevano nei loro dei?", by Prof. Antonio Loprieno (18 September 2024) [1 h 35 mins.] URL * Video of a lecture organised by the University of Oslo: -- "Dress, Adornment and Coloniality of Gender and Desire in New Kingdom Egypt and Nubia," by Dr. Uroš Matic (13 September 2024) [1 h 16 mins.] URL * Video of a lecture event (several talks) organised by the Egypt Centre, Swansea: -- "Highlights from the Collection of James Roberts Ogden", by Dr. Ken Griffin and other speakers (28 September 2024) [1 h 59 mins.] URL --MUSIC & THEATRE & FILM--- * TBA --SOFTWARE&APPS-- * TBA --MISCELLANEOUS-- [Submitted by Abraham Ignacio Fernandez Pichel] * New entries at the Egypopcult Database on Ancient Egypt and Pop Culture: # Films: -- Thermae Romae (2012), by Guillermo Juberías Gracia URL # TV Series: -- Batman: The Animated Series (1992–1995), by Filip Taterka URL -- Those about to die (2024-), by Thomas Gamelin URL # Books: -- The Mystery of Irma Vep. A Penny Dreadful (1984), by Abraham I. Fernández Pichel URL # Role-Playing Games: -- Stargate SG-1 RPG (2003), by Víctor Sánchez Domínguez URL +++ (VIII) WEBSITES * TBA +++ [End of new weekly additions] ========================================================================= [Overview of still current older material follows below] +++ (IX) LECTURES AND SYMPOSIUMS --VIRTUAL LECTURES AND HYBRID CONFERENCES (VL)--- [International conferences are listed first, followed by local lectures.] a) - b) - c) - d) - e) - f)) Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures University of Chicago * Online lecture (Zoom): "What Does Egyptian Have to Tell Us About Colors and Emotions?", by Camilla Di Biase-Dyson (Macquarie University) date: October 1, 2024; 5 pm CDT place: a hybrid event -- online (Zoom) or in-person at Breasted Hall, ISAC, 1155 East 58th Street, Chicago costs: free info: abstract at URL info: abstract and registration at URL g) - h) Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool * Online lecture (Zoom): "Recent developments in the research of ancient Egyptian copper metallurgy," by Martin Odler (Newcastle University) date: Thursday 03 October, 2024; 17:00 BST place: a hybrid event -- online (Zoom) or in-person at Rendall Seminar Room 4, Bedford Street South, Liverpool costs: free; registration required info: abstract and registration at URL info: Zoom-link at URL Zoom Meeting ID 932 7941 4271 Passcode &@Giv4!q i) Dipartimento SARAS, Sapienza Università di Roma * Online Seminar (Zoom): "Argomento: Ancient Economies: Economists and Scholars of Antiquity Engaging in Dialogue - Panel 1: Macroeconomics", with Dr. Marco Veronese Passarella (Associate Professor of Economics at Università degli Studi dell’Aquila and Senior Research Fellow in Economics at University of Leeds) and Prof. David Alan Warburton (Full Professor of Archaeology at Northeast Normal University) date: October 1st, 2024; 4 pm - 8 pm CEST place: a hybrid event -- online (Zoom) or in-person at Room C, first floor, left wing, of Ex Vetrerie Sciarra (Via dei Volsci, 122, 00185, Roma) info: Zoom-link at URL Zoom Meeting ID 899 9835 4483 Passcode 617176 info: mobile via URL Meeting ID 899 9835 4483 info: email j) London Centre for the Ancient Near East (LCANE) URL * Online lecture (Zoom): “Now you see me?… Coaxing molluscs from their shell in the script and beyond,” by Dr Angela McDonald (Senior Lecturer, Egyptology, Classics, School of Humanities/ Sgoil nan Daonnachdan, University of Glasgow) date: 21 October 2024; 6.15 pm BST costs: free info: abstract and registration at URL * Online lecture (Zoom): “The giraffe and the hare: atypical hieroglyphs in Deir el-Medina tombs as indicators of a painter’s handwriting”, by Dr Elizabeth Bettles (NINO, Leiden University). date: 11 November 2024; 6.15 pm GMT costs: free info: abstract and registration at URL * For in-person lectures in the same "Unusual Aspects of Animals" series, see UK (f) below. k) - l) ARCE - DC Chapter * Online lecture (Zoom): "Death in the First Dynasty: Reassessing Human ‘Sacrifices’," by Roselyn A. Campbell (Assistant Director of the UCLA Luskin Center for History and Policy) date: Saturday, October 26, 2024; noon EDT costs: free info: abstract and registration at URL m) Essex Egyptology Group * Online lecture (Zoom): "The bowl in the Mastaba: Structural Deposits in the Medieval Nile Valley," by Paige Steen date: Sunday 6 October, 15.00 BST costs: free for members; £6 guests info: abstract and registration at URL n) Manchester Ancient Egypt Society * Online Study Day (Zoom): "Piety, Archaism, and Excavations - A Glimpse of Egypt in the TIP", with Roger Forshaw, Robert Morkot and Jennifer Turner date: Saturday, 26th October 2024; 9:30 am – 4:30 pm BST costs: MAES members £19; guests £30 info: program and abstracts at URL info: registration at URL * Online lecture (Zoom): "“God is his Potter”: Disability in Ancient Egypt," by Kyle Lewis Jordan date: 14 October 2024; 7:30 pm BST / 20:30 CEST costs: members free; guests £5 info: registration at URL o) Harvard Museums of Science and Culture. * Online lecture (Zoom): "Rediscovering Sculptures of King Menkaure at the Giza Pyramids," by Dr. Mark Lehner date: Wednesday, October 16, 2024; 60 pm EDT place: a hybrid event -- online (Zoom) or in-person at Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA costs: free; advance registration recommended info: abstract and registration (online attendance) at URL info: registration (in-person attendance) at URL p) - q) Friends of the Egypt Centre * Online lecture (Zoom): "Curating Egypt: The Egyptian Collection at the University of Aberdeen," by Abeer Eladany (University of Aberdeen) date: Wednesday, 16 October 2024; 7 pm BST / 20:00 CEST costs: GBP 3 info: abstract and registration at URL --UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)-- a) - b) American Research Center in Egypt * ARCE Annual Meeting 2025 date: April 25- 27, 2025 place: the Westin St. Francis San Francisc, Union Square 335 Powell St, San Francisco, CA 94102. info: URL info: Call for Papers at URL Deadline for abstracts is December 13, 2024. c) ARCE - Northern California Chapter * "A Field of Their Own: Putting the Women of Egyptology in Their Place," by Dr. Kathleen Sheppard (Missouri University of Science and Technology) date: Sunday, October 13, 2024, 3 pm PDT place: Room 56, Social Sciences Building, UC Berkeley info: abstract at URL --CANADA-- a) - --UNITED KINGDOM (UK)--- a) - b) Griffith Institute * Jaromir Malek Memorial Lecture: "The Right Person in the Right Place: Jaromir and the Griffith Institute," by Prof. John Tait date: Thursday, 17 October 2024; 17:00 - 19:30 BST place: Shulman Auditorium in Queens' College, Oxford costs: free, but registration required info: registration at URL c) - d) Egypt Exploration Society * TBA e) British Museum, London * Annual Egyptological Colloquium: "Animal mummies: from beliefs to practice" The keynote lecture presented by Prof. Salima Ikram will take place on the evening of 31 October. date: 31 October 2024 - 1 November 2024 place: in-person only info: URL Call for Papers is open until 15 April 2024. info: registration and program at URL f) London Centre for the Ancient Near East (LCANE) URL * "The donkey in ancient Egyptian religion: a badass perspective," by Dr Marie Vandenbeusch (Curator, Funerary Culture of the Nile Valley, British Museum). date: 7 October 2024; 6.15 pm place: UCL Roberts Building, G8, Sir David Davies Lecture Theatre costs: free info: abstract and registration at URL * “The Relationship between Animals and Plants in the Ancient Near East – effects on farming, inequality, and empire”, by Dr Shyama Vermeersch (School of Archaeology, University of Oxford). date: 28 October 2024; 6.15 pm place: UCL Roberts Building, G8, Sir David Davies Lecture Theatre costs: free info: abstract and registration at URL * "Dating the dead: chronology and context at Saqqara’s sacred animal necropolis," by Prof. Paul Nicholson, and Dr Henry Bishop-Wright (Department of Archaeology and Conservation, School of History, Archaeology and Religion, University). date: 18 November 2024; 6.15 pm place: UCL Roberts Building, G8, Sir David Davies Lecture Theatre costs: free info: abstract and registration at URL * For Online (virtual only) lectures in the same "Unusual Aspects of Animals" series, see VL (j) above. g) - --THE NETHERLANDS-- a) - --GERMANY-- a) Freie Universität Berlin * "60. Neue Forschungen zur ägyptischen Kultur und Geschichte" & "Erman-Tag 2024" date: 5 November 2024 place: Brugsch-Pasha-Saal des Archäologischen Zentrums, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 6, 10177 Berlin info: Call for Papers at URL Deadline for abstracts is 22 September 2024. b) - c) - d) University of Leipzig * Conference "Una quae est omnia (?). Ancient universal religions between locality and supra-regionality with specific emphasis on the example of the Isis and Osiris cults" date: 22 - 25 May 2025 info: Call for Application (early career researcher) at URL Application deadline is 30th of October 2024. --VATICAN CITY-- a) - --EGYPT-- a) Egyptian-American Mission South Asasif Conservation Project * 3rd "Thebes in the First Millennium BC Conference" 2024 date: 4th–8th of November 2024 place: Mummification Museum, Luxor costs: free info: registration at URL --ITALY-- a) - --FRANCE-- a) Université Lumière Lyon 2 AND Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée * 14th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East [14th ICAANE] date: 2-7 June 2025 place: Lyon info: URL Call for papers deadline will be 31 Oct 2024. b) Cercle lyonnais d'égyptologie * "Les animaux fantastiques," by Prof. Pascal Vernus (ancien directeur des études à l'EPHE (Paris)) date: October 10th, 2024; 19:00 place: Amphithéâtre du Musée des Beaux-Arts, place des Terreaux, 69001 Lyon cost: EUR 3; free of charge for students info: abstract at URL --SWEDEN-- a) - --BELGIUM-- a) Onderzoeksgroep Archeologie - Egyptologie, KU Leuven * 51e Nederlands-Vlaamse Egyptologendag date: Saturday, 26 October 2024; 10:00 - 17:30 place: Campus Opera, Jezusstraat 28/30, 2000 Antwerpen info: info: registration at info: program at URL URL b) University of Liège * Conference: "Everlasting Variations. Case studies on the hieroglyphic repertoire in synchrony and diachrony" date: June 11–13, 2025 place: Liège costs: EUR 100 info: abstracts of papers welcome before Oct 30, 2024 at email --SPAIN-- a) - --AUSTRALIA-- a) - --DENMARK-- a) - --SWITZERLAND-- a) - --GREECE-- a) - --AUSTRIA-- a) - --POLAND-- a) - --HUNGARY-- a) - b) Egypt and Austria Research Society and Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Ancient and Classical Studies, Department of Egyptology, Budapest * 14th Egypt and Austria Conference: “Exploring the Orient”: Cultural bridges between Central Europe and the Near East” date: 25th - 29th September 2024 place: in-person in Budapest at Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Egyptology costs: Egypt& Austria members: EUR 20; Non-members: EUR 50; Student: EUR 25 info: URL info: Call for Papers at URL Deadline for submission of abstracts is 31st March 2024. --CHINA-- a) - --CZECH REPUBLIC-- a) - --ARGENTINA-- a) - --JAPAN-- a) - --PORTUGAL-- a) - +++ (X) EXHIBITIONS Most info in this section was collected by Michael Tilgner and Ingrid van Sprakelaar. Ingrid maintains an exhibition calendar [in two complementary formats, i.e. sorted by date and by country] at the Dutch website of the Mehen Study Center.
N.B.: * indicates a preliminary end date based on ticket sale info; so not an official end date set in stone. Notably the virtual exhibitions have moving end dates. --USA-- a) - b) - c) Getty Villa Museum 17985 Pacific Coast Highway, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 URL * "Sculpted Portraits from Ancient Egypt" date: January 24, 2024 – January 25, 2027 [was: November 1, 2023 – November 9, 2026] Exhibition dedicated to the sculpted portraits of officials associated with the 26th Dynasty; the artefacts are on loan from the British Museum, London. info: URL info: English press release at URL "(..) “The sculptures on display fall into a category traditionally called ‘private portraits,’ meaning that they represent non-royal historical individuals. The 26th Dynasty was a period in which private portraiture flourished, as the people who made up the dynasty’s complex administration commissioned temple statues and tomb furnishings that express their identity and reflect the prosperity of the era,” says Sara E. Cole, assistant curator of antiquities at the Getty Villa Museum. “We hope that visitors will come away from the exhibition with an expanded idea of what makes a ‘portrait’ as well as an appreciation for Late Period Egyptian art.” (..)" d) - e) Brooklyn Museum 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York 11238-6052 URL * "A Woman's Afterlife: Gender Transformation in Ancient Egypt" date: December 15, 2016 - long-term [was: till March 24, 2017] Exhibition with 25 ancient Egyptian artefacts that explore the differences between male and female access to the afterlife. info: URL info: press release [PDF] at URL info: English press report at URL "(..) Egyptian medicine taught that an entombed woman faced a biological barrier to rebirth. The ancient Egyptians believed that in human reproduction it was The Man who created the fetus, and transferred it to the woman during intercourse. This ultimately made rebirth impossible for a woman alone. To overcome this perceived problem a priest ritually transformed a woman's mummy into a man long enough to create a fetus. The ritual for this transformation required representing a woman with red skin on her coffin--- the color normally assigned to a man. Furthermore, artisans inscribed the coffin with spells that addressed the woman in masculine pronouns for a priest to recite. The use of "male" color and strategically inflected language had the power to change her gender in the coffin. A woman later returned to her original female state and incubated herself for rebirth into the afterlife as a woman. (..)" URL URL info: English press report at URL "(..) The show demonstrates this concept with a coffin from the museum’s collection (around 1292-1190 BC), which portrays the deceased with male skin (conventionally red) on the coffin’s exterior—addressed by four gods using a masculine pronoun—and with female skin (conventionally yellow) on the mummy’s mask. Around 25 objects from the museum’s collection are on view, including pieces never before exhibited, like a collar with Atum, a male god who created the world all on his own. There is also a statuette of Atum holding his erect phallus in his hand, which is a feminine word in Egyptian. “This is the way [he created the world]—quite literally, masturbating,” Bleiberg says. Other objects, like two wooden statues, show that females are once again treated as women when they enter the afterlife, despite their portrayal with male attributes on their coffins. There are also statues of Osiris and Isis. (..)" URL info: English press report at URL f) Rhode Island Center 524 Rhode Island Ave NE, 20002-1231, Washington DC * "Tutankhamun: His Tomb and His Treasures" date: May 2, 2024 - *November 30, 2024 Exhibition with more than 1000 replicas of KV62 objects, organised by Semmel Exhibitions. Was most recently at COSI Center of Science and Industry, Columbus, OH (March 18, 2023 – September 4, 2023) and Exhibition Hub Atlanta Art Center, Doraville, GA (September 28, 2023 - April 7, 2024). info: URL info: URL Preliminary end date based on ticket sale info. info: English press report at URL g) Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures The University of Chicago, 1155 E 58th St., Chicago, IL 6063 URL * "Chicago on the Nile: 100 Years of the Epigraphic Survey in Egypt" date: September 17, 2024 - March 23, 2025 Exhibition highlighting the work of the University of Chicago’s Epigraphic Survey in Egypt over the past 100 years, featuring photographs, artifacts, original artworks, and publications. info: URL info: English press report at URL "(..) The exhibition includes archival photographs of researchers’ visits to these sites and their Luxor headquarters, Chicago House, as well as reproductions of their surveys. (..) A gala celebrating the centennial anniversary of the 1924 epigraphic survey will take place on September 21. (..)" h) Carnegie Museum of Natural History 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 URL * "The Stories We Keep: Conserving Objects From Ancient Egypt" date: March 9, 2024 - March 9, 2025 Exhibition of more than 80 artefacts from the Museum's collection, telling their stories in an interactive way; one of them is a 4,000-year-old Dahshur funerary boat. info: URL info: press release at URL info: English press reports at URL "(..) The museum’s long-running Walton Hall of Ancient Egypt closed for good last fall, and “Stories We Keep,” which opens Sat., March 9, is meant to show visitors what the Carnegie is doing to prepare for a new permanent exhibit (..)." URL * Opening of the new permanent exhibition, called "Egypt on the Nile" date: TBA, 2026 info: source - English press report at URL i) IMAG History and Science Center 2000 Cranford Ave, Fort Myers, FL 33916 URL * "Tutankhamun: Return of the King" date: October 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025 Exhibition with reproductions of KV62 items. info: source - URL j) Yale Peabody Museum 170 Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT 06520 URL * "Reopening of the Museum after renovation" date: March 26, 2024 - Ongoing info: press release at URL info: for the Museums's Egyptian collection, see URL k) Penn Museum 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 URL * Closing of the Ancient Egypt and Nubia Galleries for renovation date: November 6, 2023 - TBA, 2026 info: URL "We’re planning for a palace. See this gallery before it closes November 6, 2023 in preparation for new Ancient Egypt and Nubia Galleries." info: English press report at URL "(..) The galleries’ main level, targeted to open in late 2026, will focus on “life and afterlife in ancient Egypt.” (..) The galleries’ upper level will be devoted to gods and pharaohs. (..) These galleries are aimed to be completed by late 2028." * "Ancient Egypt: From Discovery to Display" date: February 23, 2019 - TBA, 2026 Special exhibition about how Egyptian objects came to the Museum and how they are being prepared for display in the new galleries. Will be in place while the permanent galleries are closed. With more than 200 objects that will become part of the future Ancient Egypt Gallery that is now being renovated. info: URL info: URL l) National Museum of Asian Art 1050 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20560 URL * “A Collector’s Eye: Freer in Egypt” date: January 28, 2023 - ongoing [was: opening December 17, 2022; was: opening October 8, 2022] Exhibition about the collection of Charles Lang Freer who visited Egypt between 1906 and 1909. info: URL "(..) During these years, he acquired a range of works, including the renowned Washington Codex—one of the oldest Bibles in the world—a digital copy of which will be on view in the gallery. He also collected an exceptional group of New Kingdom Egyptian glass vessels, a Byzantine jewelry set, amulets, and hundreds of beads, many of which will be seen in this exhibition for the first time." info: English press report at URL m) Joslyn Art Museum 2200 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE 68102 URL * Reopening of the Museum after restoration date: September 10, 2024 - Ongoing info: English press report at URL n) Mattress Factory Art Museum 500 Sampsonia Way, Lower Level, Pittsburgh, PA URL * "Echoes to Omega" date: August 9, 2024 - September 14, 2025 Exhibition designed by Sudanese artist Azza El Siddique, inspired by the ancient statue of Lady Sennuwy, an Egyptian noblewoman, unearthed at Kerma. The installation resembles an Egyptian burial vault and features six ceramic reproductions of said statue. info: URL info: English press report at URL o) - p) - q) - r) - s) - t) - u) - v) Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10028 * "Flight into Egypt: Black Artists and Ancient Egypt, 1876–Now" date: 17 November 2024 - 17 February 2025 Exhibition that examines how Black artists and other cultural figures have engaged with ancient Egypt during the past 150 years; includes nearly 200 works of art in a wide range of media. info: URL info: French press report at URL --CANADA-- a) Vieux-Port de Montréal 2, rue de la Commune Ouest, Montréal, QC H2Y 4B2 * "L’Horizon de Khéops" date: 16 February 2024 - *14 October 2024 A virtual reality presentation of the Khufu pyramid. Earlier at several other venues worldwide. info: (in French and English) URL URL Preliminary end date based on ticket sale info. info: French press report at URL info: French press report at URL "Prolongée jusqu’au 1er septembre 2024 – Près de 120 000 billets vendus pour L’Horizon de Khéops dans le Vieux-Montréal : un succès sans précédent." info: French press report at URL --UNITED KINGDOM-- a) The Egypt Centre Museum of Egyptian Antiquities Swansea University Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP URL * "Causing Their Names to Live" date: 7 October 2023 - TBA Exhibition about the Harrogate collection (being catalogued by the Egypt Centre), with 30 ancient Egyptian objects on display. info: URL "(..) The title takes inspiration from a common vivification formula found on statues, stelae, and other objects (Nelson-Hurst 2010; 2011). For the ancient Egyptians, one of the most important things was that their name would be remembered. (..)"\ info: source - blog entry at URL With details about the Egypt Centre's Twenty-fifth Anniversary Event (lectures; hybrid event). info: English press report at URL "Having spent the majority of their existence in private collections, over 800 rare Egyptian antiquities have arrived at Swansea University’s Egypt Centre, 30 of which are now on public display, with all artefacts to be studied in-depth for the first time, revealing details previously lost to history. (..)" With photos of the installation of displays. * "Highlights from the Collection of James Roberts Ogden" date: 28 September 2024 - TBA Exhibition featuring more objects on loan from Harrogate Museum; it focusses on the collection of James Roberts Ogden. info: background info about the Collection at URL info: source - URL b) - c) Derby Museum and Art Gallery 1 The Strand, Derby, DE1 1BS URL * "Displaced: From the Nile to the Derwent" date: 5 July 2024 - 24 November 2024 Exhibition featuring over 80 ancient Egyptian objects and the remains of three mummified humans, from Derby Museums’ Egyptian collection, enhanced by loans from the British Museum, Manchester Museum, and other national museums. info: URL info: English press release at URL d) Westfield Stratford City, 157 Montfichet Road, Olympic Park East London, London E20 1EJ URL * "Horizon of Khufu" date: 7 October 2023 - *31 October 2024 A virtual reality presentation of the Khufu pyramid. Earlier at the L'Institut du monde arabe, Paris (14 June 2022 - 2 October 2022), HKRI Taikoo Hui, Shanghai (12 May 2023 - 27 August 2023), Centre commercial Confluence, Lyon (3 November 2022 - 24 December 2023), and Bercy Village, Paris (TBA, November 2023 - TBA); will also open in New York. info: URL info: URL Preliminary end date based on ticket sale info. info: English press reports at URL "(..) Developed by VR studio Excurio with Egyptologist, Peter Der Manuelian from the Giza Archives Project at Harvard University, Horizon of Khufu crosses 1,000 sq metres of ancient ruins. (..)" URL e) Perth Museum 78 George St, Perth PH1 5LB URL * Reopening at a new address date: 30 March 2024 - ongoing info: URL URL f) British Museum Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG URL * TBA g) West Berkshire Museum The Wharf, Newbury, West Berkshire RG14 5AS URL * "From the Nile to Newbury" date: 15 November 2023 - 18 November 2024 Exhibition about how the ancient Egyptian collection of the Museum came to Newbury (1909-1946). info: URL URL info: English press reports at URL With photos. URL "(..) includes a mummified cat’s head, pottery twice as old as the pyramids and the intricate memorial of Irtierthai, with examples of Egyptomania and stories from those who brought the collection to Newbury, including one of the earliest female Egyptologists. (..) Local veterinary surgery Donnington Grove Vets offered their services to x-ray several mummified animal bundles from the museum collection. (..) Another prize exhibit in the display is a linen bag-tunic found by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon in 1909. This 3,000 year old item was found wrapped around the mummified remains of a woman named Irtyru who died around 800BC, aged about 35 years old. (..)" h) Victoria Gallery & Museum, University of Liverpool Ashton Street, Liverpool, L69 3DR URL * "Creatures of the Nile" date: 4 May 2024 - 5 October 2024 Exhibition that explores the fascinating position animals held in ancient Egyptian and Sudanese society and culture, with more than 250 objects on display, from the University of Liverpool’s Garstang Museum, plus loans from National Museums Liverpool and Manchester Museum. info: press release at URL "(..) Highlights include one of the earliest known depictions of a domesticated dog, a sheet from the 3,500-year-old Book of the Dead, and a bronze statue which entombed a mummified cat. (..)" info: URL With a video tour. info: URL With background info (several pages, with object videos). info: English press report at URL info: English press report at URL i) Museum & Art Swindon Civic Offices, Euclid Street, Swindon, SN1 2JH URL * "Reopening Museum & Art Swindon date: 9 July 2024 - Ongoing info: URL info: some info about the collection at URL "The Egyptology section contains pre-dynastic ceramics, mummified hands, flints from the age, and a mummy to make for an intriguing little set." In total 31 objects, incl. the mummy and coffin of a boy called Hatemiu (dyn. 31). --THE NETHERLANDS-- a) Rijksmuseum van Oudheden Rapenburg 28, 2311 EW Leiden URL * "De Ontdekking van Egypte" [Egypt, Land of Discoveries] date: TBA Exhibition with 270 objects from the collection of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden (250 pharaonic antiquities and 20 19th century plates); it will first tour to eight Japanese cities (July 2020 - August 2022). b) Allard Pierson Oude Turfmarkt 127-129, 1012 GC Amsterdam URL * TBA c) Teylers Museum Spaarne 16, 2011 CH Haarlem URL * "Yalla Yalla! Zie je in Egypte" [Yalla Yalla! See you in Egypt] date: 19 [was: 18] October 2024 - 09 [was: 02] February 2025 Exhibition about the work (paintings, diary) of Dutch painter Willem de Famars Testas (1834-1896) who travelled to Egypt (together with Egypotologist Emile Prisse d'Avennes) (1858-1860) and documented daily life and monuments. info: URL info: URL info: (English) URL info: press release at URL info: Dutch press report at URL --GERMANY-- a) ODYSSEUM Corintostraße 1, 51103 Köln URL * "Ramses the Great and the Gold of the Pharaohs" date: 13 July 2024 - 6 January 2025. Exhibition with 180 ancient Egyptian artefacts from Egypt, with a focus on Ramesses the Great. On an international tour (November 2021 - January 2025): Houston Museum of Natural Science (November 20, 2021 - June 19, 2022); De Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco (August 20, 2022 – February 12, 2023); Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris (7 April 2023 - 10 September 2023); Australian Museum, Sydney (18 November 2023 - 19 May 2024); will travel to Tokyo (7 March 2025 - 7 September 2025) after Cologne. info: (in German) URL info: English press reports at URL URL "(..) The Cabinet decided to return the wooden coffin of Sennedjem to Egypt. This takes the number of artifacts in the exhibition to 180. (..)" info: German press report at URL "Eine große Ausstellung über das Alte Ägypten kommt nach Köln - mitsamt des kostbaren Sarkophags von Ramses II., der auch Ramses der Große genannt wird. (...) Die Ausstellung umfasst mehr als 180 Artefakte und ägyptische Schätze, darunter Sarkophage, mumifizierte Tiere, Schmuck, königliche Masken und Amulette. Viele davon hätten Ägypten zuvor noch nie verlassen, erklärte das Museum. Alle Objekte stammten aus Museen und historischen Stätten in Ägypten und seien Leihgaben des ägyptischen Obersten Rates für Antiquitäten. Zudem gehört ein Virtual-Reality-Erlebnis zum Konzept. (...) Tickets sind ab dem 14. März erhältlich." info: German press reports at URL "(..) Die Ausstellung umfasst mehr als 180 Artefakte und ägyptische Schätze, darunter Sarkophage, mumifizierte Tiere, Schmuck, königliche Masken und Amulette. (..) Herzstück und größter Hingucker ist allerdings der Sarkophag von Ramses II. (..) Köln ist nach Angaben der Veranstalter die vorerst letzte Station in Europa - dann reist die Ramses-Schau weiter nach Asien. (..)" URL "Eine Ausstellung lockt mit Gold und Ramses II. - und führt das Publikum an der Nase herum. Dabei wäre dieser Schwindel gar nicht nötig gewesen. (...) Mit Ausnahme seiner Mumie ist so gut wie nichts – und erst recht nichts Goldenes – auf uns gekommen, was nachweislich zur Bestattung Ramses’ II. gehört. Nun wird in der Ausstellung auch pharaonisches Gold gezeigt, etwa eine vergoldete Mumienmaske, die allerdings 1939 im Grab des Amen­emope in Tanis im Nildelta gefunden wurde und nicht einmal etwas mit der Epoche von Ramses II. zu tun hat – Amenemope regierte im frühen 10. Jahrhundert vor Christus. (...)" info: German press report at URL Interview with Dr. Mostafa Waziri. info: German press report at URL info: press kit - zip-file with photos, videos and a pdf-file (in all: 530 MB) URL info: German press report at URL "Unter hohen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen ist der Sarg des ägyptischen Pharaos Ramses II. in Köln enthüllt worden. Vorsichtig wurde am Montagmorgen eine große Transport- Box geöffnet, in der der kostbare Sarkophag auf Reise nach Deutschland gegangen war. 'Fragile' stand auf der Kiste - ein Hinweis, dass wahrlich empfindliche Ware darin ruhte. (..)" info: English press report at URL With some photos of the opening. info: German press reports at URL Includes a slideshow. URL With photos and an English trailer [1:00 min.]. URL URL A review. With photos and slideshow. "(..) Ein Höhepunkt der Schau ist das Grabkleid des Pharaos Scheschonq I., Herrscher der 22. Dynastie, das aus einer goldenen Totenmaske, Amuletten, Gürtel und Fingerlingen und Zehenfingerlingen besteht. (..) Im feierlichen Finale stehen wir vor dem herrlichen Zedernholzsarg von Ramses II. (..)" info: German audio report [11:13 mins.] at URL "Cornelia Wegerhoff über antike Grabräuber und moderne Logistik." b) James-Simon-Galerie Bodestraße, 10178 Berlin URL * “Elephantine: Insel der Jahrtausende” date: 26 April 2024 – 27 October 2024 Exhibition about archeological finds from Elephantine, with objects from the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and loans from other museums. info: URL info: podcast "4000 Jahre Kulturgeschichte: 'Elephantine' im Neuen Museum" [3:34 mins.] URL "Eine Ausstellung auf der Berliner Museumsinsel beschäftigt sich mit der kleinen Nil-Insel Elephantine, auf der schon 300 Jahre vor Christus verschiedenste Sprachen und Kulturen aufeinandertrafen." info: German press report at URL "Die Berliner Ausstellung über die berühmte ägyptische Insel Elephantine spart mit optischen Reizen – entschädigt ihre Besucher aber mit anderen Dingen. Das schafft viele unerwartete Erlebnisse. (..)" info: English press report at URL With a lot of background information. info: German press report at URL "Wegen des großen Interesses (..) werden die Öffnungszeiten verlängert. Die Schau (..) hat den Angaben zufolge bereits mehr als 150.000 Besucherinnen und Besucher angelockt." c) Khroma - New Media Art Center Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin URL * "Tutanchamuns - Das immersive Ausstellungserlebnis" [Tutankhamun - the immersive exhibition experience] date: 6 September 2024 - 29 December 2024 info: German source - URL URL URL info: German press report at URL With photos and a video trailer [0:40 mins.] info: German press reports at URL URL d) - e) Federseemuseum Bad Buchau August-Gröber-Platz, 88422 Bad Buchau * "Bier – ein Jahrtausende altes Kultgetränk" [Beer – a millennia-old cult drink] date: 28 April 2024 - 1 November 2024 Exhibition on the archaeology of ancient brewing and ancient beer (in Egypt and Mesopotamia, notably). info: URL info: press kit - 2 pp. - pdf-file (0.6 MB): URL f) Historisches Museum der Pfalz Domplatz 4, 67346 Speyer URL * "Caesar & Kleopatra" date: 13 April 2025 - 26 October 2025 Exhibition about the end of the Roman Republic and the end of the Ptolemaic Kingdom, narrated via the lives of Cleopatra VII and Caius Julius Caesar. info: URL info: URL g) Utopia – A Happening Place Heßstr. 132, 80797 München * "Tutanchamun - das immersive Ausstellungserlebnis" [Tutankhamun - the immersive experience] date: 9 October 2024 - 26 January 2025 Exhibition to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb; it has no artefacts, but is an "immersive, digital experience". Created by Madrid Artes Digitales. Has been (and is) also at several other venues (in 2024 in Wien, Hamburg, Stuttgart, and München). info: URL info: URL info: German press report at URL Iincludes a slideshow and a trailer [0:40 mins.] h) - i) - j) - k) - l) Ägyptisches Museum der Universität Bonn Regina-Pacis-Weg 7, 53113 Bonn URL * Temporary closure date: 1 August 2023 - fourth quarter of 2024 info: German press release at URL "Wegen der Vorbereitungen für den anstehenden Umzug in ein Interimsquartier bleibt das Museum ab dem 1. August 2023 für mehrere Monate geschlossen! Voraussichtlich im ersten Quartal 2024 wird es dann am neuen Standort Poststraße 26 / In der Sürst 8–10* (Bonner Innenstadt, zwischen Hauptbahnhof und Münster) wieder eröffnet. Hintergrund ist die Generalsanierung des Uni-Hauptgebäudes, für die ein Zeitraum von 10–12 Jahren angesetzt ist." More information at URL info: German press release at URL "(..) Voraussichtlich im dritten Quartal 2024 wird es dann am neuen Standort Poststraße 26 / In der Sürst 8–10 (Bonner Innenstadt, zwischen Hauptbahnhof und Münster) wieder eröffnet. (..)" m) - n) - o) - p) - q) Neues Museum Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung Bodestraße, 10178 Berlin URL * "Altes Ägypten" date: till 30 December 2025 info: URL --AUSTRIA-- a) - b) - c) Papyrusmuseumder Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek Neue Burg, Heldenplatz 1010 Wien URL * "Göttlich und gegessen. Die ambivalente Beziehung von Mensch und Tier im Land am Nil" [Divine and eaten. The ambivalent relationship between humans and animals in the land on the Nile] date: 13 June 2024 - 4 May 2025 Exhibition about the diverse roles of animals in ancient Egypt: hunted, feared, used, domesticated, loved, worshipped, seen as an expression of divine power or, as sacrificial animals or votive offerings, served as a link between humans and their gods. info: (German and English) URL URL --EGYPT-- a) Museum of Egyptian Antiquities Maydan El Tahrir, Cairo URL * TBA b) - c) Bibliotheca Alexandrina Chatby, Alexandria 21526 URL * "Tale of Two Cities" date: 15 October 2024 - 4 November 2024 Exhibition of modern artworks about the historical ties between Greece and Egypt, notably Athens and Alexandria in Antiquity. Earlier at the Acropolis Museum, Athens (26 June 2024 - 1 September 2024). info: English press report at URL Here the dates are given as 17-31 October 2024. d) - e) - f) - g) Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) Giza URL * TBA h) National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC) Ain Elsira – El Foestat, Cairo URL * TBA --ITALY-- a) Museo Egizio di Torino Via Accademia delle Scienze 6, 10123 Turin URL * "Verso la nuova Galleria dei Re" [Towards the new Gallery of Kings] date: 23 April 2024 - October 2024 Exhibition of monumental statues of gods and kings from the Museum's Gallery of the Kings, which were the basis of the origin of the Museum 200 years ago. info: URL info: Italian press report at URL info: Italian press report at URL "Il direttore annuncia che per i festeggiamenti alla presenza del presidente Mattarella la struttura leggera non sarà ancora completata: 'Il bicentenario è troppo importante per festeggiarlo solo un anno' (..) La piazza egizia non sarà completata quando verrà il presidente della Repubblica" annuncia Greco "ma tra giugno e settembre 2025. (..)" [Seems likely that this exhibition will be prolongated to July/September 2025 due to this delay?] * Closure of the Ellesyia Temple Room for renovation date: 13 May 2024 - 19 November 2024 info: URL info: Italian press report at URL "(..) Già in autunno si potrà ammirare un Egizio rinnovato tenuto a battesimo dal Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella. Il 20 novembre, alla presenza del Presidente, verrà inaugurata la nuova collocazione del tempio di Ellesija donato negli anni Sessanta dal governo egiziano all'Italia che aveva contribuito al suo salvataggio. Il tempio sarà accessibile da tutti, gratuitamente, direttamente dalla corte del museo. (..)" * Official inauguration of the renovated Museum date: 20 November 2024 b) Fortino Leopoldo I Piazza G. Garibaldi, 9A, 55042 Forte dei Marmi LU URL * "Gli Egizi e i doni del Nilo" [The Egyptians and the gifts of the Nile] date: 1 August 2024 - 2 February 2025 Exhibition of 24 objects on loan from the Museo Egizio, Turin, ranging from the Predynastic to the Graeco-Roman era. info: URL info: URL info: Italian press reports at URL With some photos. URL URL URL URL With many photos of objects. info: Italian press reports at URL URL info: Italian press report at URL info: Italian press report at URL info: Italian press report at URL info: Italian press report at URL "La mostra è un vero e proprio viaggio nell’antico Egitto, presentando ai visitatori 24 preziosi reperti che coprono un arco temporale che va dall’Epoca Predinastica (3900-3300 a.C.) fino all’età greco-romana (332 a.C.-395 d.C.). (...) L’allestimento della mostra è arricchito da installazioni multimediali, infografiche e due riproduzioni significative provenienti dal Museo Egizio: la monumentale statua di Ramesse II e il sarcofago di Butehamon." info: Italian press report at URL d) Ex Convento dei Crociferi Catania * "Egizio e Catania" [Opening of an annexe of the Museo Egizio di Torino] date: TBA - Ongoing info: Italian press reports at URL "Ora è ufficiale: la sezione distaccata del Museo Egizio di Torino aprirà ad Aprile 2017. (...) L’apertura di una sezione staccata del Museo Egizio di Torino a Catania sarà concretizzata in un’ala vasta circa mille metri quadrati del Convento dei Crociferi, che ancora oggi necessita delle ultime migliorie per essere pronto all’ allestimento del museo entro i primi mesi del 2017, dato che già in primavera si apriranno i battenti. (..)" info: Italian press reports at URL URL Things seem to be much more uncertain than was announced before... URL URL info: Italian press release at URL info: Italian press report at URL "(..) La mostra sarà allestita in uno spazio espositivo di circa 530 mq, ricavato all’interno del Palazzo dei Crociferi. Il progetto è nato con il Protocollo d’Intesa firmato il 24 novembre 2017 tra la Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino, la Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città Metropolitana di Torino ed il Comune di Catania. Per dare avvio al progetto il Comune di Catania e la Fondazione hanno programmato una mostra temporanea dal titolo “Missione Egitto 1903-1920”, della durata massima di 9 mesi, che verrà allestita nel corso del 2018 sotto la responsabilità del Comune di Catania negli spazi del Nuovo Museo e nell’ambito della quale la Fondazione effettuerà un prestito di determinati reperti. (..)" info: Italian press report at URL "Dovrebbe aprire i battenti a settembre del 2018. Tra qualche mese, dopo un lungo dibattito corredato da polemiche, la succursale catanese del Museo egizio di Torino dovrebbe vedere la luce all’interno di quello che è uno dei complessi architettonici più belli di Catania, l’ex convento dei Padri crociferi, nell’omonima via, un tempo sede di un sindacato e oggi recuperato al pubblico. (...) In attesa che il nuovo polo museale apra definitivamente i battenti, il Comune di Catania e la Fondazione per dare avvio al progetto hanno programmato una mostra temporanea dal titolo 'Missione Egitto 1903-1920', della durata massima di nove mesi, che verrà allestita nel corso del 2018 sotto la responsabilità del Comune negli spazi del Nuovo Museo e nell’ambito della quale la Fondazione effettuerà un prestito di determinati reperti. (..)" info: Italian press report at URL "(..) L'assessore comunale Barbara Mirabella risponde: «I lavori di restauro stanno finendo, entro fine anno si dovrà affidare la gara per l'allestimento per iniziare a lavorarci entro il 2020. Ma siamo avanti, contiamo di aprirlo prima della fine del 2019. (..)" info: Italian press report at URL "Museo egizio sì, no, ni... Sembra una telenovela infinita come infinito è l’iter per rendere il monastero dei Padri Crociferi finalmente una sede museale. (...) L’assessore Barbara Mirabella oggi diffonde ottimismo dicendo che «l’iter sta procedendo...», ma nei fatti a tutt’oggi di museo egizio non c'è neanche un piccolo sarcofago. (...)" info: Italian press report at URL The opening should now be 2023 [was originally 2017]. info: Italian press report at URL "(..) «Non sarà una succursale di quello di Torino - citiene a precisare il direttore del Museo Paolo Di Caro - ma un polo museale che vedrà non solo l'esposizione di un numero importante di reperti che arriveranno in prestito dal museo egizio torinese, ma anche di opere che al momento affollano i depositi del Castello Ursino». (...)" Apparently, it now will no longer be a full branch of the Egyptian Museum Turin, but a center which will display rotating loans from that museum; initially, a mummy and artefacts from Tebtunis will go on display. info: Italian press report at URL Contrary to rumours, the project is not dead. info: Italian press report at URL "(..) “A metà giugno – spiega il direttore dell’assessorato, Paolo Di Caro, verranno a Catania alcuni dirigenti e tecnici di Torino per collaudare gli impianti che sono stati adeguati al monastero dei Padri Crociferi, secondo quelle che sono state le prescrizioni precedentemente indicate. Se l’operazione andrà a buon fine, scatterà l’ultima fase, la più importante, che è quella di decidere i reperti che inviati a Catania in prestito”. (..)" info: Italian press report at URL "(..) A metà giugno – ha dichiarato Di Caro – verranno a Catania alcuni dirigenti e tecnici di Torino per collaudare gli impianti che sono stati adeguati al monastero dei Padri Crociferi, secondo quelle che sono state le prescrizioni precedentemente indicate. Se l’operazione andrà a buon fine, scatterà l’ultima fase, la più importante, che è quella di decidere i reperti che saranno inviati a Catania in prestito” (..)" info: Italian press report at URL The project seems yet again to have been stranded. e) - f) Palazzo Sarcinelli Via XX Settembre, 132, 31015 Conegliano (Treviso) URL * "Egitto - Viaggio verso l'immortalità" [Egypt - Journey towards immortality] date: 23 October 2024 - 6 April 2025 Exhibition of more than 100 ancient Egyptian artefacts on loan from the Egyptian Collection of the National Archaeological Museum of Florence; they illustrate the Egyptian concept of the afterlife and the rituals associated with it. Apparently, it is the same as the exhibition that is now in Moesgaard Museum, Højbjerg, Denmark ("Egypt - Obsessed with Life", 13 October 2023 - 18 August 2024). info: URL info: source - URL info: source - URL info: French press report at URL info: Italian press reports at URL URL "Prezzo ridotto per i biglietti acquistati tra il 2 settembre e il 1° ottobre 2024. Un’iniziativa che mira a rendere più accessibile l’approfondimento delle testimonianze storiche e culturali dell’antico Egitto." info: Italian press report at URL g) Civico Museo Archeologico di Milano corso Magenta 15, Milano 20123 URL * "Immagini Eterne. L’arte nell’antico Egitto" [Eternal images: Art of ancient Egypt] date: 1 March 2024 - 31 December 2024 Exhibition of a selection of ancient Egyptian art from the Museum's collection (sculptor's models, stone and bronze statues, fragments of paintings and wooden sculptures). info: URL info: source - URL "La sezione Egizia presso il Castello Sforzesco è temporaneamente chiusa per il totale rinnovamento del percorso espositivo. Da primavera 2024 una ristretta selezione di opere della collezione egizia sarà esposta presso il Civico Museo Archeologico in Corso Magenta 15." h) Palazzo Bonaparte Spazio Generali Valore Cultura, Piazza Venezia 5, Roma URL * "Egitto" date: October 2025 - TBA info: URL info: Italian press report at URL "In autunno, a partire da ottobre 2025, sarà il turno di una mostra dedicata all’antico Egitto, in collaborazione con il Museo Egizio di Torino. Questa esposizione rappresenta un’opportunità unica per esplorare la civiltà egizia attraverso una vasta collezione di reperti archeologici. Il pubblico potrà ammirare papiri, manufatti votivi, corredi funerari, sarcofaghi, oggetti di culto e della quotidianità, e imponenti sculture delle divinità e dei faraoni." i) Museo Civico Archeologico Via dell’Archiginnasio 2, 40124 Bologna * "L’antico Egitto nelle medaglie del Museo Archeologico di Bologna. Suggestioni culturali e sopravvivenze" [Ancient Egypt in the medals of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna. Cultural suggestions and survivals] date: 18 September 2024 - 16 Dezember 2024 Exhibition of about twenty medals made between the 15th and 19th centuries, whose iconographies testify to the legacy and permanence of Egyptian civilization in Western culture. info: URL info: Italian press reports at URL URL j) Force Ex scuola elementare via Roma 21-25, 63086 Ascoli Piceno * "Da Verrucci a Tutankhamon. Un architetto italiano alla Corte d’Egitto" [From Verrucci to Tutankhamun. An Italian architect at the Court of Egypt] date: 5 July 2024 - 30 September 2024 Exhibition (in two parts) on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the illustrious architect Ernesto Verrucci Bey, linking his life to the discoveries in Egypt during the 42 years that he spent in Egypt (1897-1939). Some 500 objects, including documents, maps and replicas. info: URL info: URL Ticket info. info: Italian press report at URL "(..) Nel titolo di questo articolo abbiamo citato due mostre, infatti sono due i percorsi espositivi per un singolo evento: 'Sogni e tesori in riva al Nilo' a cura del prof. Maurizio Damiano ed 'Ernesto Verrucci Bey, un architetto eclettico tra Italia ed Egitto' curato dalla prof.ssa Anna Rita Emili e dal prof. Giuseppe Bonaccorso L’esposizione, sviluppata in 40 sale su due piani per un totale di circa 800 mq, raccoglie più di 500 pezzi, tra cui fotografie, approfondimenti sulle campagne archeologiche a cavallo tra ‘800 e ‘900, statue, reperti originali e fedelissime riproduzioni a grandezza naturale, che ripercorrono le tappe più importanti e svelano i tesori inestimabili della civiltà egizia, attraverso lo scorrere delle acque del 'fiume del tempo', il Nilo, protagonista assoluto della storia dell’Egitto. (..)" info: Italian press reports at URL "(..) La prima [mostre] dal titolo «Ernesto Verrucci Bey: un architetto eclettico tra Italia ed Egitto», a cura di Anna Rita Emili e Giuseppe Bonaccorso della Scuola di Ateneo di Architettura e Design dell’Università di Camerino, ricostruisce le tappe fondamentali della vita e gli interessi di Verrucci, conferendo una lettura nuova e inedita del personaggio. (..) La seconda, dal titolo «1897/1939. Sogni e tesori in riva al Nilo. Verrucci: 42 anni in Egitto fra misteri, creazioni e tesori nelle sabbie di Tutankhamon», a cura dell’ egittologo Maurizio Damiano, ripercorre la storia della civiltà egizia, spaziando dalla preistoria fino al Cristianesimo, ma concentrandosi, per lo più, nel periodo in cui Verrucci si trova a operare in Egitto. (..)" URL Report of the opening ceremony. k) Museo Archeologico - Sezione Egizia [Egyptian Collection of the Milanese Archaeological Museum] Castello Sforzesco Piazza Castello, 20121 Milano URL * Closed for renovation (incl. Egyptian Section) date: 6 November 2021 - 30 June 2025 [was: 31 December 2024; was: till 31 December 2023; was: till 30 June 2023; was: till 31 December 2022; was: till 3 October 2022; was: till 30 June 2021; was: till 2020] info: URL info: Italian press reports at URL "(...) il museo egizio, che invece aveva molti appassionati in particolare fra le scolaresche, è chiuso per ristrutturazione da oltre un anno e la riapertura è prevista solo per giugno 2019." URL "Da giugno 2017 a giugno 2019 il Museo Egizio sarà chiuso per rinnovo del percorso espositivo." info: Italian press reports at URL URL "Pronto il piano di recuperi delle sale (chiuse da tre anni). «Debutto nel 2022» (..) Dunque finalmente i lavori del museo egizio, chiuso dal 2017, dovrebbero partire nel luglio prossimo e la riapertura potrebbe così coincidere con il bicentenario della decifrazione della stele di Rosetta ad opera di Jean-François Champollion. (..)" URL "Il nuovo allestimento della collezione egizia del Castello Sforzesco: i lavori partiranno il prossimo anno con il finanziamento di Fondazione Cariplo. (...) Non potendo aumentare lo spazio (sono 400 metri quadrati) sfrutterà al massimo il multimediale esponendo per la prima volta le fotografie d’archivio degli scavi di Achille Vogliano degli anni ‘ 30 del ‘ 900, insieme alle immagini 3D dei reperti ricostruite dal Politecnico e all’applicazione che raccoglie i risultati delle tac fatte sulla mummia e sul sarcofago di Peftauajaset grazie alla collaborazione del laboratorio di antropologia forense dell’università Statale e all’ospedale Galeazzi. (..)" info: Italian press report at URL "La sezione egizia del Civico Museo Archeologico è una delle più visitate del Castello Sforzesco e nel 2022, a duecento anni esatti dalla decifrazione dei geroglifici, aprirà le sue porte in una veste completamente rinnovata. Nuove teche climatizzate per la Sala Viscontea e un’illuminazione al dettaglio che si spegne quando non usata, permetteranno di esplorare l’antico Egitto attraverso un percorso che offrirà un maggior numero di reperti in esposizione." info: Italian press report at URL "Approvate le linee guida per il riallestimento della collezione egizia: eliminazione delle barriere architettoniche, fornire nuove teche e strumenti multimediali da integrare nel percorso. L’intervento viene finanziato da Fondazione Cariplo, che ci mette un milione e 300mila euro grazie all’Art bonus." With slideshow of some of the artefacts. l) - m) - n) - o) - p) - q) - r) - s) - t) - u) Porta Siberia Mura del Molo Porto Antico, Genova * "Tutankhamon. La tomba, il tesoro, la maledizione" [Tutankhamun. The tomb, the treasure, the malediciton] date: 2 December 2023 - 15 January 2025 [prolongation; was: till 2 June 2024] Exhibition of replicas of the most important objects from Tutankhamun's treasure produced by the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities. It includes scenographic reconstructions and uses virtual reality giving the opportunity to experience the emotions experienced by the discovering archaeologist Howard Carter. Has been travelling widely. info: URL info: Italian press report at URL info: Italian press report at URL With photos. --FRANCE-- a) - b) Bercy Village 45, rue des Pirogues de Bercy, 75012 Paris URL * "L'Horizon de Khéops" [The Horizon of Khufu]" date: 13 November 2023 - *29 June 2025 A virtual reality presentation of the Khufu pyramid. Earlier at the L'Institut du monde arabe, Paris (14 June 2022 - 2 October 2022), HKRI Taikoo Hui, Shanghai (12 May 2023 - 27 August 2023), Centre commercial Confluence, Lyon (3 November 2022 - 24 December 2023), and Westfield Stratford City, London (7th October 2023 - TBA). info: URL info: URL Preliminary end date based on ticket sale info. info: URL "Grâce à la réalité virtuelle, découvrez une expérience immersive inédite, qui vous plongera 4.500 ans en arrière. (...) Équipés d’un casque de réalité virtuelle, vous évoluez librement pendant 45 minutes dans un espace de 1.000m2, pour y vivre une expérience bouleversante, à la fois ludique et éducative." info: French press reports at URL URL info: French press report at URL With a video report: "L'Horizon de Khéops : au coeur d'une pyramide en réalité virtuelle !" [1:30 mins.] info: French press report at URL Includes a video report [0:55 mins.]. c) Musée Champollion 45 rue Champollion, 38450 Vif URL * "Dieux et déesses d’Égypte, Le Panthéon de Champollion" [Gods and Goddesses of Egypt, The Pantheon de Champollion] date: 29 March 2024 - 29 September 2024 Exhibition about the rediscovery of the ancient Egyptian culture in the 19th century. info: source - poster at URL info: source - URL info: French press report at URL d) Musée d'Aquitaine 20 cours Pasteur, 33000 Bordeaux URL * "Vivre et Mourir en Égypte. D'Alexandre le Grand à Cléopâtre" date: 27 June 2024 - 3 November [was: 2 December] 2024 Exhibition about the interaction between ancient Greece and ancient Egypt. info: URL info: source - URL With photos. info: source - French press reports at URL URL URL info: French press report at URL info: French press reports at URL "(..) Parmi les pièces maîtresses, on trouve des sceaux représentant des rois grecs coiffés à la mode égyptienne, une stèle montrant la reine Arsinoé élevée au rang de divinité, et une maquette d’un temple dédié à Isis. Ce dernier, prêté par le Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York, est un exemple remarquable de l’architecture religieuse de l’époque. (..) On peut y admirer le sarcophage de Dioskouridès, un général grec du roi Ptolémée VI, momifié selon les rites égyptiens. (...)" URL e) - f) - g) - h) Musée d'Art et d'Archéologie du Périgord 22 cours Tourny, 24000 Périgueux * "Sommeil éternel sur le Nil" [Eternel sleep on the Nile] date: 15 June 2023 - 30 September 2024 [2nd prolongation; was: till 7 January 2024] [1st prolongation; was: till 10 December 2023] Exhibition that illustrates the history of the Egyptian archaeological collection of the museum. info: URL "(..) Cette exposition voit le retour de la momie, dépôt du musée du Louvre, découverte par Albert Gayet sur le site d’Antinoë à la fin du XIXème siècle. Cette momie d’homme est accompagnée de son mobilier funéraire." i) - j) - k) - l) - m) - n) MuséAl 99 route de Viviers, 07400 Alba-la-Romaine URL * "L'Égypte au temps d'Alba - Regards croisés sur deux provinces romaines" [Egypt at the time of Alba - Comparative looks at two Roman provinces] date: 20 July 2024 - 7 December 2025 Exhibition about the Roman provinces of Egypt and Gaul, with more than 110 objects found in Egypt, on loan from several French museums info: URL info: French press report at URL With slideshow. o) L'Atelier des Lumières 38 rue Saint-Mur, 75011 Paris URL * "L'Égypte des Pharaons: de Khéops à Ramsès II" [The Egypt of the pharaohs: from Kheops to Ramses II] date: 9 February 2024 - 5 January 2025 An immersive exhibition that invites visitors to step back in time and rediscover Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs, through masterpieces of Antiquity. The exhibition will be accompanied by another one: "Les Orientalistes. Ingres, Delacroix, Gérôme…" [The Orientalists. Ingres, Delacroix, Gérôme...] info: (in French and English) URL URL info: press information (in French and English) with an image gallery - URL URL info: French press reports at URL URL info: French press report at URL info: French press reports at URL Includes a video report [0:39 mins.]. URL URL URL Includes an audio report [1:23 mins.]. info: Italian press report at URL With a slideshow: "A Parigi l'Antico Egitto in versione 'immersiva'". info: French press report at URL With video of a TV report [3:58]. info: French press report at URL With photos and a trailer [0:16 mins.]. p) Galeries Montparnasse 22 rue du départ, 75015 Paris * "Toutânkhamon - L’Experience immersive pharaonique" date: 3 February 2024 - *3 November 2024 Exhibition with more than 1000 replicas of KV62 objects and a recreation of the tomb. Several of these exhibitions are travelling worldwide. info: URL info: URL Preliminary end date based on ticket sale info. info: French press report at URL info: French press release at URL q) Les Carrières de Lumières Route de Maillane, 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence URL * "L'Égypte des Pharaons: de Khéops à Ramsès II" [The Egypt of the pharaohs: from Kheops to Ramses II] date: 19 April 2024 - 5 [was: 2] January 2025 An immersive (virtual) exhibition that invites visitors to step back in time and rediscover Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs. The exhibition will be accompanied by a second digital exhibition: "Les Orientalistes. Ingres, Delacroix, Gérôme…" [The Orientalists. Ingres, Delacroix, Gérôme...]. Also runs at the L'Atelier des Lumières, Paris (9 February 2024 - 5 January 2025). info: URL info: French press reports at URL URL info: French pess report at URL info: French press report at URL r) - s) IMEX 19/21 rue Saint Sernin, 33000 Bordeaux * "L’Horizon de Khéops" date: 3/4 February 2024 - *29 January 2025 A virtual reality presentation of the Khufu pyramid. Earlier at several other venues worldwide. info: URL Preliminary end date based on ticket info sofar. info: French press reports at URL URL URL info: French press report at URL t) - u) - v) - w) - x) Centre commercial Confluence 112 cours Charlemagne, 69002 Lyon * "L'Horizon de Khéops" [The Horizon of Khufu] date: 3 November 2022 - *5 January 2025 A virtual reality presentation of the Khufu pyramid. Earlier at the L'Institut du monde arabe, Paris (14 June 2022 - 2 October 2022). info: URL Preliminary end date based on ticket sale info thusfar. info: French press report at URL Includes a link to the trailer [0:29 mins.] at URL info: French press report at URL Includes a video report [2:11 mins.] info: French press report at URL info: French press report at URL info: French press report at URL "Depuis le début de l'exposition immersive, près de 80 000 visiteurs sont entrés dans les coulisses de la pyramide de Khéops (..)" y) - z) - --VATICAN CITY-- a) - --BELGIUM-- a) - b) - c) - d) Musée du Chat et du Cartoon 6 rue Royalle, Bruxelles [yet to be build] * “Le chat dans l’Égypte ancienne” date: TBA, 2025 [was: 2024; was: 2023] Exhibition about the cat in ancient Egyptian culture, with artefacts on loan from the Musée Art & Histoire du Cinquantenaire, the Louvre, and the British Museum. info: Flyer of the museum to be build - URL Wikipedia page: URL info: French press report at URL info: Dutch press report at URL --SPAIN-- a) - b) - c) - d) Museu Egipci de Barcelona / Museo Egipcio de Barcelona Calle València, 284, 08007 Barcelona URL * "Sortir al dia. El Llibre dels Morts dels antics egipcis" [Coming forth by day. The Book of the Dead of the Ancient Egyptians] date: 31 May 2024 - 28 February 2025 Exhibition about the Book of the Dead, with 70 artefacts from the Museum's collection (15 of which are exhibited for the first time). Includes a photographic reproduction of the BD of Ani. info: URL info: Spanish press reports at URL URL e) Museo Arqueológico Nacional C/ Serrano13,28001 Madrid URL * "10 años, 10 imágenes. El Museo Arqueológico Nacional por José Manuel Ballester" date: 2 April 2024 - 29 September [was: 1 October] 2024 Exhibition of photographs of the Museum's collection, including several of ancient Egyptian artefacts. info: URL info: Spanish press report at URL f) - g) - h) Museu Egipci de Barcelona / Museo Egipcio de Barcelona Calle València, 284, 08007 Barcelona URL * "Ptolomeu, faraó d'Egipte. La descoberta del seu temple / Ptolomeo, Faraón de Egipto. El descubrimiento de su templo" [Ptolemy, Pharaoh of Egypt - The discovery of his temple] date: 16 December 2021 - TBA [2nd prolongation; was: till 31 December 2022] [1st prolongation; was: till 30 August 2022] Exhibition with 3D replicas of decorated blocks of the temple of Ptolemy I at Sharuna (ancient Hut-nesut), plus ca. 50 artefacts illustrating the Ptolemaic dynasty. info: URL info: Spanish press reports at URL "La misión del Museo Egipcio de Barcelona en Sharuna descubre un título desconocido hasta ahora de Ptolomeo I y presenta una exposición sobre sus hallazgos. (..)" URL URL info: English press report at URL info: ticket info for exclusive tours - URL * "Tutankhamon. Història d'un descobriment" / "Tutankhamón. Historia de un descubrimiento" [Tutankhamun. History of a discovery] date: 16 January 2022 - TBA [prolongation; was: till 31 December 2022] Exhibition commemorating the discovery of KV62, with displays dedicated to the main characters involved, the archaeological methods used, and the media impact of the discovery. info: URL info: source - URL info: ticket info for exclusive tours - URL --AUSTRALIA-- a) - b) Cairns Aquarium - Annex 122B Lake Street, Cairns, QLD 4870 URL * "Tomb of the Pharaohs" date: 28 June 2025 - *31 January 2027 / permanent (?) Exhibition consisting of a 3D immersive experience of recreated scenes of royal burial tombs and featuring 300+ museum grade replicas. info: URL Preliminary end date based on ticket sale info thusfar. info: English press report at URL [Needs registration; or try URL.] c) - d) National Gallery of Victoria 180 St Kilda Road, Melbourne URL * "Pharaoh" [was: "Pharaoh: King of Egypt"] date: 14 June 2024 – 6 October 2024 Exhibition that explores, through more than 500 objects on loan from the British Museum, the ideals, symbolism and ideology of the pharaohs, as well as the realities of life in Egypt. Expanded version of an exhibition that was earlier in Spain (several CaixaForum venues, June 2018 - July 2023, as “Faraón. Rey de Egipto”). info: URL info: source - URL info: English press report at URL "(..) The National Gallery of Victoria’s 2024 Winter Masterpieces blockbuster (..) will showcase more than 500 individual pieces from the British Museum’s permanent collection, exclusive to Melbourne, in the largest international loan the London institution has ever undertaken. (..) It features massive architecture and sculpture, including a reassembled limestone wall from an Old Kingdom mastaba tomb carved with hieroglyphic texts, and a 1.5-tonne 1.5m-wide fist of Ramses II, a fragment of a colossal statue designed to convey the pharaoh’s immensity and power. (..)" info: English press report at URL info: English press report at URL With photos of objects. info: English press report at URL "Curators from the London institution [BM] said they might adopt some of the innovative ways the objects were displayed at the National Gallery of Victoria. (..)" * "Ancient Egypt for Kids" date: 14 June 2024 – 6 October 2024 Exhibition featuring a selection of works from the Museum's antiquities collection, hands-on activities for children, and cinematic screenings. info: URL "(..) Highlights include a hand-painted case once belonging to Iret-[en]-Hor-eru, son of Djed-Ptah-f-Ankh, dated 747–600 BCE and the richly detailed Head covering of Padihorpasheraset set in a room of gleaming gold. (..)" e) - f) Queensland Museum Corner of Grey and Melbourne Streets, South Bank, South Brisbane, Queensland 4101 URL * "Discovering Ancient Egypt" date: 25 October 2024 – 5 May 2025 Exhibition of 231 ancient Egyptian artefacts and 13 individual mummified remains (both human and animal), on loan from the National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden. Earlier at Western Australian Museum, Perth (10 June 2023 – 8 October 2023) and National Museum of Australia, Canberra (14 December 2023 – 8 September 2024). info: URL info: URL With a full item/provenance list in PDF. info: English press report at URL "(..) Among its 200-plus items, five sarcophaguses will be on display, as will painted funerary coffins and papyrus sheets from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. (..)" With photos. --MONACO-- a) - ---SWITZERLAND--- a) - --SWEDEN-- a) Gustavianum Uppsala Universitet, Akademigatan 3, 75310 Uppsala URL * "Reopening after renovation" date: 24 June 2024 - Ongoing info: URL info: for the Egyptian collection, see URL "(..) This exhibition contains objects from ancient Egypt and other ancient Mediterranean cultures. It includes mummy sarcophagi and objects from the former Victoria Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, which was housed in the Gustavianum. Many of the objects come from excavations in which Uppsala archaeologists participated, including Asine in Greece, Cyprus, and Sudanese Nubia." URL --CROATIA-- a) Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu/Archaeological Museum in Zagreb 19 Nikola Subic Zrinski Square, 10000 Zagreb URL URL * "Reopening museum after renovation" date: 17 July 2024 - ongoing info: URL The museum has ca. 3000 Egyptian artefacts, of which 600 will be on display. info: English press report at URL ---DENMARK--- a) - b) Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Dantes Plads 7, 1556 Copenhagen URL * "Gilded Mummy Masks" date: 20 April 2024 - 6 Oktober 2024 [prolongation; was: till 21 June 2024] Exhibition (pop-up exhibition) of three gilded mummy masks (Roman period in Egypt) from the Museum's storerooms. info: URL --FINLAND-- a) - --CZECH REPUBLIC-- a) - b) Ceské muzeum stríbra Barborská 28, 284 01 Kutná Hora URL * "Ve stínu pyramidy" [In the shadow of the pyramid] date: 26 March 2024 - 31 December 2024 Exhibition centered around a unique mummy of a young noble woman called Hereret, who had been buried in Lahun, central Egypt; with artefacts on loan from several museums. Many of the objects on display were donated (in 1912) to his hometown by the collector and patron Ludwig Holzmeister from Moravia. info: source - poster at URL info: German press report at URL [Here the end date is given as 30 November -- probably based on the confusing (outdated?) entry at URL] Includes a slideshow. c) Mestské Muzeum v Jaromeri Husova 295, 55101 Jaromer URL * "Na brezích Nilu" [On the banks of the Nile] date: 6 June 2024 - 17 November 2024 [prolongation; was: till 29 September 2024] Exhibition about several aspects of the ancient Egyptian landscape: on the animal world along the Nile, on the processing of natural materials and of animal and plant products, on gardens and flora along the Nile Valley, and on the Afterlife and its depictions. Earlier at the Náprstek Museum, Praha (24 July 2019 – 10 January 2021) and the Muzeum Jana Amose Komenského v Uherském Brode (16 June 2023 - 1 October 2023). Additionally, the present venue has a section dedicated to the memory of Egyptologist Bretislav Vachala. info: URL info: URL --SLOVAK REPUBLICA-- a) Trencín Castle (Trenciansky hrad) Mierové námestie 46, 912 50 Trencín URL URL * "Kouzlo objevování: od hieroglyfu k Tutanchamonovi" [The Magic of Discovery: From Hieroglyphs to Tutankhamun] date: 1 July 2024 – 15 November 2024 Exhibition, prepared by the Czech Institute of Egyptology of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University, that commemorates the centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb and the bicentenary of the deciphering of hieroglyphs. Earlier at the Karolinum, Praha (11 November 2022 - 31 December 2022), the Regional museum of the city of Ždár nad Sázavou (18 May 2023 - 27 August 2023), and Dobríš Castle Gallery JCM (20 October 2023 - 31 May 2024). info: URL info: URL --POLAND-- a) - --JAPAN--- a) NEON's Crevia Base Tokyo 6 Chome-4-25 Toyosu, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0061 * "Ramses the Great and the Gold of the Pharaohs" date: March 7, 2025 - December 7, 2025 [prolongation; was: till September 7, 2025] Exhibition with 180 ancient Egyptian artefacts from Egypt, with a focus on Ramesses the Great. On an international tour: Houston Museum of Natural Science (November 20, 2021 - June 19, 2022); De Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco (August 20, 2022 – February 12, 2023); Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris (7 April 2023 - 10 September 2023); Australian Museum, Sydney (18 November 2023 - 19 May 2024); TBA, Köln (13 July 2024 - 6 January 2025); TBA, Tokyo (March 7, 2025 - September 7, 2025). info: URL info: English press release at URL Info: source - French press report at URL info: English press report at URL info: URL "(..) During the meeting, the possibility of extending the duration of the “Ramses and the Gold of the Pharaohs” exhibition at its next stop in the Japanese capital, Tokyo, from six months to nine months was discussed. (..)" b) - c) - d) - e) - f) The Niigata Bandaijima Art Museum 5-1, Bandaijima, Chuo-ku, Niigata, 950-0078 URL * "The Ancient Egyptian Museum Exhibition" date: October 11, 2024 - December 15, 2024 Exhibition introducing the collection of Japan's only museum specializing in ancient Egypt, the Ancient Egyptian Museum Shibuya, via 200 artefacts on display. Earlier venues: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (April 8, 2023 - May 28, 2023), Iwaki City Museum of Art (June 24, 2023 - August 20, 2023), Higashi-Hiroshima City Museum of Art (October 10, 2023 - November 26, 2023), Tottori Prefectural Museum (April 6, 2024 - May 12, 2024) (as "The Gateway to Ancient Egypt"), and Fukui Fine Arts Museum (July 20, 2024 - September 1, 2024). info: URL info: source - URL --PORTUGAL-- a) - b) - c) Museu Nacional de Arquologia Praça do Império, 1400-206 Lisboa URL * Closure due to renovation date: 18 April 2022 - TBA, 2025 info: URL The ancient Egyptian collection consists of 584 objects: URL d) Immersivus Gallery Porto, Alfândega do Porto Rua Nova da Alfândega, 4050-430 Porto * "Misterioso Egito" [Mysterious Egypt] date: 9 April 2023 - *29 September 2024 Exhibition that was earlier at Reservatório Mãe d'Agua das Amoreiras, Lisboa (21 April 2022 - 3 September 2023). info: (in Portuguese and English) URL URL "This multimedia journey, created from original content available in various international museums and libraries, transports you to the Egyptian civilization, where you are invited to explore some of the most iconic moments and elements." Preliminary end date based on ticket sale info. --BRAZIL-- a) - --RUSSIA-- a) - ---ISRAEL-- a) - REPUBLIC OF SOUTH KOREA-- a) - ---PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA--- a) - b) Hubei Provincial Museum No. 160, East Lake Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province * "Egyptian collection of the Accademia dei Concordi" [working title] date: TBA Travelling exhibition of part of the ancient Egyptian collection of the Accademia dei Concordi; among the 500 artefacts are two mummies (Meryt and Baby). Earlier at the Pallazo Roncale, Rovigo (14 April 2018 - 29 July 2018; "Egitto ritrovato"); will travel to three other museums in China. info: Italian press reports at URL URL URL URL c) - d) Shanghai Museum nr. 201, Renmin Avenue, Huangpu District, Shanghai URL * "The Top of the Pyramids: Ancient Egyptian Civilization" date: 19 July 2024 - 17 August 2025 Exhibition of 787 ancient Egyptian artefacts. Co-organized with Egypt's SCA. info: URL With many photos. info: URL info: English press reports at URL URL "(..) "Over 95 percent of the artifacts will be arriving in Asia for the first time, and almost all of them are being shown in China for the first time," says Chu. The highest-profile exhibits include the statues of Amenhotep IV and Tutankhamen from Egypt's 18th Dynasty, a mummy portrait from the Ptolemaic period and a wooden coffin recently unearthed in Saqqara." info: English press report at URL "(..) with the participation of 787 Egyptian artifacts. (..)" info: French press report at URL info: English press report at URL "Shanghai Museum director Chu Xiaobo (...) introduces such highlights as statues of pharaohs, including those of Tutankhamun, Amenemhat III and Ramses II; a complete set of mummies' coffins; gold jewelry belonging to a queen; and recently discovered painted coffins, animal mummies and statues from the Saqqara region. (...) The exhibits have been carefully curated from artifacts from seven major Egyptian museums, including the Egyptian Museum, Luxor Museum and Suez Museum, along with the latest findings in Saqqara, Chu says." info: English press reports at URL URL "Two major artifacts from a collection of 788 ancient Egyptian treasures were unveiled in the Shanghai Museum on Monday, offering a glimpse into the soon-to-open exhibition in July. Of the two artifacts, the statue of Akhenaten (..) with its original height at 4 meters, will be exhibited in a bust. The other one is a colored mummy coffin with inscriptions from the middle part till the base, which was unearthed at the Saqqara necropolis in recent years. (..)" info: English press reports at URL URL info: English press report at URL "Tickets have been fully booked for the rest of the summer even though the exhibition doesn't open until July 19. (...) The exhibition is divided into three sections — 'The Land of the Pharaohs,' 'The Secrets of Saqqara,' and 'The Age of Tutankhamun.' (..)" With photos and two video reports [1:26 and 1:13 mins.]. info: English press reports at URL URL With photos. URL With photos of a preview. info: French press reports at URL With photos. URL With photos. URL With slideshow and a video report [1:04 mins.]. info: Chinese TV reports at URL Video report [5:29 mins.], with English subtitles. URL Video report [1:33 mins.], with English subtitles. info: English press report at URL "Shanghai Museum sold out 200,000 early-bird tickets months ahead of the opening, and a few weeks ago the museum announced that the exhibition has been fully booked for the coming two months." info: French press report at URL * "The Lost Pharaoh: An Immersive Experience at the Pyramid of Khufu" date: 19 July 2024 - 17 August 2025 Probably the "Horizon of Kheops" exhibition (a virtual reality presentation of the Khufu pyramid) that is and has been at several European venues. info: URL e) Meet You Museum Chengdu West Building, C1, Tianfu Software Park, Tianfu Avenue, High-tech Zone, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province URL * "Meet Ancient Egypt: Mummy, Life and Death in Ancient Egypt" date: 19 July 2024 - 20 October 2024 Exhibition of more than 120 ancient Egyptian artefacts on loan from the University of Aberdeen. Earlier at the Meet You Museum Wanrong Lu (21 December 2023 - 21 March 2024) and the Meet You Museum Hangzhou (26 March 2024 - 25 June 2024); will travel to Meet You Museum Beijing (13 November 2024 – 16 February 2025). info: source - URL "(..) Exhibits encompass thousands of years of history and include the mummified remains of a cat, crocodile and ibis, pottery and alabaster vessels, hieroglyphic friezes, jewellery, ‘Book of the Dead’ papyrus, and statues of gods. (..)" f) Meet You Museum Beijing Floor E02-1, Ceramic 1st Street, 798 Art District, Chaoyang District, Beijing URL * "Meet Ancient Egypt: Mummy, Life and Death in Ancient Egypt" date: 13 November 2024 - 16 February 2025 Exhibition of more than 120 ancient Egyptian artefacts on loan from the University of Aberdeen. Earlier at Meet You Museum Wanrong Lu (21 December 2023 - 21 March 2024), Meet You Museum Hangzhou (26 March 2024 - 25 June 2024), and Meet You Museum Chengdu (19 July 2024 – 20 October 2024). info: source - URL "(..) Exhibits encompass thousands of years of history and include the mummified remains of a cat, crocodile and ibis, pottery and alabaster vessels, hieroglyphic friezes, jewellery, ‘Book of the Dead’ papyrus, and statues of gods. (..)" ---REPUBLIC OF INDIA--- a) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (CSMVS) 159-161, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400023, Maharashtra, India URL * "Ancient Sculptures: India, Egypt, Assyria, Greece, Rome" date: 2 December 2023 - 1 October 2024 Exhibition of artworks from the ancient world, on loan from the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The British Museum, and three Indian museums. info: URL info: English press report at URL There's at least a sandstone sculpture of Hapy from The BM. ---NEW ZEALAND--- a) - ----GREECE---- a) Acropolis Museum Dionysiou Areopagitou 15, 11742 Athens URL * "Tale of Two Cities" date: 26 June 2024 - 01 September 2024 [was: 25 June 2024 - 16 July 2024] Exhibition of modern artworks about the historical ties between Greece and Egypt, notably Athens and Alexandria in Antiquity. Will go to Bibliotheca Alexandrina (15 October 2024 - 4 November 2024). info: URL info: English press report at URL info: English press report at URL ----MEXICO--- a) - b) Museo Regional de Puebla Av. Ejército de Oriente s/n, col. Centro Cívico 5 de Mayo, CP 72270 Puebla de Zaragoza, Puebla URL * "[TT39.] Arqueología Mexicana en Egipto" date: 14 March 2024 - TBA (ca. December 2024) Exhibition about the first Mexican aracheological mission in Egypt, with illustrations and documents, plus 42 replicas of small-format ancient Egyptian pieces from the private collection of the president of the Mexican Society of Egyptology and director of the TT39 project, Gabriela Arrache Vertiz, plus a scale model of TT39. Earlier at Museo de Sitio del CEART, Querétaro (19 May 2022 - 22 July 2022). info: Spanish press reports at URL URL c) Monumento a la Madre Calz. Manuel Villalongin S/N, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06500 Ciudad de México * "Más allá de Tutankamón: La experiencia inmersiva" [Beyond Tutankhamun: The immersive experience] date: 15 December 2023 - *20 October 2024 Exhibition to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb; it has no artefacts but is an "immersive art experience", with "soaring imagery and cinematic storytelling", plus a virtual reality experience titled "Tutankhamun: Enter the Tomb". Created by National Geographic. Has been (and is) at many North American venues. info: URL info: URL Preliminary end date based on ticket sales info. info: Spanish press reports at URL URL With photos. info: Spanish press report at URL info: Spanish press report at URL With photos. +++ ==================================================================== Please send any contributions to: A. K. Eyma This list is not meant for distribution to any other public channel than the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum. ====================================================================

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